Social Justice Foundation is a Non-profit Organisation with its head quarters in Cape Town, incorporated in terms of the laws of the Republic of SA. It renders a variety of services to members of the public and government departments. It functions with various cost centres, including The Membership Organisation structure with a subcommittee as its board for the benefit of its members. The organisation is managed by its Board of Executive members and co-opted members. It is home to like-minded individuals with a shared vision and mission to address inequalities in society, various social justice issues by promoting access to justice, restoring justice to a deeply divided society, the rendering access to justice through alternative dispute resolution including mediation, restorative justice & peacemaking and the empowering individuals & communities through education and training.
The Membership Organisation functions through its subcommittee. A multiplication and duplication process is planned in the nine provinces with co-opted representatives in the provinces. Regions in the provinces are encouraged to form networks to promote the objectives of the organisation.
We believe in building and supporting a unified Alternative Dispute Resolution industry for South Africa and Africa, with reputable local and international affiliation. SJFAM is an accredited membership organisation of the National Accreditation Board of Family Mediators (NABFAM) and a founding member of the South African Restorative Justice Accreditation Body (SARJAB), which was launched on the 11th of September 2019 at a Unisa Child Justice Conference in Pretoria. These accreditation bodies are sister organisations of the South African Dispute Accreditation Council (DiSAC) and incorporated under the auspices of the Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement (ACDS), which is a member of the International Mediation Institute (IMI).

The Social Justice Foundation Association of Mediators (SJFAM) is a division of the Foundation that focuses on building the membership-base of the organisation. Membership opened up for the first time at the beginning of 2019. SJFAM reports to the Board.
Members are invited to become involved in building the membership organisation through its regional and provincial structures.