Welcome to Social Justice Association of Mediators!
Social Justice Association of Mediators is a Non-profit Organisation with its head quarters in Cape Town, incorporated in terms of the laws of the Republic of SA. It renders a variety of services to members of the public and government departments. Social Justice Association of Mediators functions with various cost centres, including the membership organisation structure with a subcommittee as its board for the benefit of its members.
Promoting access to justice and restoring equality, justice & peace
through dialogue, mediation, restorative justice, peacemaking and education

Accredited Mediators and Parenting Coordinators
The Social Justice Association of Mediators distinguishes between members of the organisation and members who are accredited as Mediators and Parenting Coordinators in terms of the criteria set by the National Accreditation Board for Family Mediators (NABFAM)
Only accredited Mediators and Parenting Coordinators have undergone sufficient training to comply with our national standard for accredited practitioners. Do not be misled by an organisation’s membership certificate. And it’s not proof of accreditation as a mediator or parenting coordinator.
Social Justice Association of Mediators is a member organisation of NABFAM. An Accredited mediator is a person who has been recognized “competent” in respect of the National Accreditation Board for Family Mediators (NABFAM) criteria.
If accredited, its means that the practitioner complied with their NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR FAMILY MEDIATORS, which is aligned with International Mediation Standards
- Accredited mediators will have a
- current and valid accreditation certificate
- current and valid membership certificates
- Was independently assessed and found to be competent
- Has undergone accredited training as a mediator / parenting coordinator
- Is subject to continuing professional development requirements – first-time accreditation is only valid for a period of 12 months after which the mediator must obtain 15 CPD points to be re-accredited as a practitioner.
- Has agreed to abide by the Social Justice Association of Mediators Code of Conduct
(You can view the complete requirements here)
When choosing a mediator in family-related matters, selecting a Social Justice trained and accredited mediator is recommended. The stringent criteria and training requirements help ensure that the mediators are adequately trained to deal with family-related matters. Accreditation is only valid for a period of 1 year. For continued accreditation mediator need to do additional training every year to obtain 15 CPD point. Parents should verify if the mediator that they will be appointing are accredited. Consider the following when choosing your mediator
- How long have you been accredited as mediator?
- Can I see you accreditation certificate? Is the accreditation certificate current?
- Confirm the validity of the certificate with the relevant membership organisation.
South Africa currently has no regulatory requirement for mediators, which can easily lead to people portraying themselves as skilled mediators when in actual fact, they are not – they do not have the necessary qualification to assist. Therefore, be careful when appointing a mediator and check and verify credentials and accreditations.
With the implementation of the Children’s Act all social workers are deemed to be suitable qualified to be mediators. Mediation requires specialised skill and further qualification and training are required in order to be a skilled mediator.
Our social workers are some of the best mediators in SA, once they have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills. It does not mean that when we implement an act that people acquire the skill and knowledge to perform the task at hand, they need the additional training to be skilled mediators in terms of the NABFAM standards.
Has you mediator accreditation lapsed?
Accredited family mediators sometimes allow their accreditation to lapse. NABFAM has decided on a reaccreditation process for trained mediators whose accreditations have lapsed.
Professor Leentjie de Jong is a leading authority on Family Law & Family Mediation in South Africa, and she has compiled a study guide and training materials for reaccreditation purposes. NABFAM has decided that prof de Jong’s reaccreditation course must be completed before the reaccreditation of such members. The course includes a summary of family mediation principles and an update on the latest developments in family mediation. The course will be done at Social Justice, it is available on the online training platform, and it can be done in your own time. The cost of the reaccreditation training course is R500 plus VAT.
The reaccreditation course is also available for accredited members who want to do a short refresher and get updates on the latest information.
The new NABFAM Rule will be implemented with effect from 1 March 2023. All members who have not renewed their accreditation by 28 February 2023 must first complete the reaccreditation course.
Please follow this link to register for the reaccreditation training:
Should you have any enquiries about the training, accreditation, or reaccreditation please contact Adri at admin@socialjustice.org.za or 021 300 6903.